
Sally Prosser,
Voice and Public Speaking Coach
When I met Kristina via Clubhouse I knew I needed to work with her - and I'm so glad I did! I was lacking clarity in my business and felt unsure of my next move. Kristina helped me get to the root of why certain thoughts were surfacing and guided me to a level of acute self-awareness. I had several breakthrough realizations during our sessions which have moved me forward in leaps and bounds. I understand so much more about myself and feel confident, content and excited for what the future holds.
I'd highly recommend Kristina to anyone wanting to uplevel their life. Thanks Kristina!

Charity Youngblood,
Digital Producer
Kristina is one of the most phenomenal people I know. Her dedication and passion towards helping others reach their self-improvement goals, is remarkable. It is truly an honor to know her. She is genuine, compassionate, intelligent, driven and most of all, an incredible positive force of nature.

Hans Phillips, Ontoco
Executive Performance Coach
I have coached and trained thousands of people from all over the world in the past twenty-six years. Kristina is one of the most enthusiastic, smart and caring people that I have ever had the pleasure to meet. Kristina is strong in the right places, and kind and caring in all the rest. She is a delightful combination of power and joy. She loves supporting people to break through thier current restraints, and has a wealth of knowledge to guide people to their best selves. She imbues people with confidence and motivation. Her clients co-design a life that truly works for them, and then get coached and discover how to deal with the new day-to-day consequences as they come up. She is a great person and a great coach. Brilliant and happy are just the first layer of her delightful personality. If you have the chance to speak with her, grab it. Be prepared to be loved and supported, but also challenged to think outside your comfort zone and then get in action on your dreams TODAY. In short, she’s a unique and powerful resource. Enjoy your time with her. Feel free to contact me with any questions...
Hans Phillips
What is Humanistic Ontology?
Merriam Webster: On·â€‹tol·â€‹o·â€‹gy | \ än-ˈtä-lÉ™-jÄ“ \ Noun
a branch of metaphysics concerned with the nature and relations of being
Humanistic Ontology is the art and science of being a human being. Three pillars guide this work: Acceptance, Responsibility and Trust. This type of coaching takes an in-depth exploration into the beliefs you hold and the reality you are creating. We will consciously replace judgement and certainty with discernment and curiosity to design the life you were meant for. Together, we identify what needs to be added, removed or transformed in order to align your BEING with your DOING, so you can HAVE the life you want.
Current Offerings
The hive membership
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.
Carl Jung
More Testimonials

Jakey Toor,
Certified SIY Teacher
Kristina is an amazing coach, who leads by example, and inspired me, for the first time, to live life 100% on my own terms — every aspect of it. It was so powerful, and I’m grateful for all we created in the space of our sessions together; I woke up yesterday morning, the day after we completed, feeling very empowered, and also very calm, and centered. Two feelings I occasionally experience together, and when I do, I feel like I’m on the right track. Thanks Kristina.

Amy Sendrea, C-Life Studio, Fitness Coach
I had the wonderful privilege of being introduced and coached by Kristina. Her fearless, bold coaching connected with my spirit and magic happened. A revelation so deep that hit my heart like an unexpected powerful wave. It was so profound that it left me speechless. The message was my truth, yet I was completely unaware of it. Sometimes what you think is your challenge is not your challenge after all. This is what Kristina’s coaching did for me. Thank you Kristina. Externally grateful.

Jamie Strong,
Real Estate Entrepreneur
I have the pleasure of talking at length with Kristina every week (for several years) during a Mastermind group that we are both privileged to be apart of. I have therefore experienced the power of Kristina's words and coaching techniques first hand on every member of our group, each with our own individual issues, personalities and characteristics... She truly is an exceptional professional coach with an understanding of people, potential and behaviours far beyond her years.
You are ready for paid support IF:
You have a fire inside of you waiting to be unleashed.
You are a brilliant starter, but struggle with finishing.
You do your best when you're held accountable.
You have many false starts and half completed ideas.
You are done holding yourself back.
You have been an army of one for far too long.
You love novelty, creativity and community.
You are willing to stand your Sacred Ground.
You are willing to do hard things.
You want to ...
Write that book
Land that gig
Attract that client
Close that contract
Build healthy relationships
Launch that website/ course/ program
Work through your blocks
Transform your life
Align your BEING with your DOING

"I really value the reality of PRONOIA! I have shared this with other people that are receptive to it, and all have been grateful to find other like minded humans! The stone you dropped in the pond is causing ripples in the best way. Many THANKS"
Former Client
By my teenage years I was well acquainted with dysfunction, the impact of addiction and trauma. The level of shame I felt was overwhelming. As a high school dropout, I refused to be the statistic that I was headed to become, so I moved from California to New York and vowed to rewrite the ending. I restarted highschool, taught Choice Theory to teachers and administrators, wrote for the school newspaper, ran a culture club, was recognized for leadership by the Board of Education in my school district and graduated with Honors.
I was Practicing grit, resiliency and courage.
Over the following decade, I moved back to California, nurtured a 10 year relationship, married, divorced and started over again at 30. I began to unpack the unconscious stories and beliefs that were holding me back. I developed a relationship with my inner child who so desperately wanted to please people, be acknowledged, manage chaos, be the hero, have all the answers and never be abandoned. I was a pro at having the right answers and creating order. I found that I was still ending up in situations where I felt exploited, trampled on, overwhelmed and unloved. I knew in order to have a different life, again, I had to reach far, far beyond my comfort zone.
Most people know me as a woman who fills a room with energy, love and joy. They know me as a woman that values integrity in my relationships and invites people to discover what matters most to them, usually through play, depth, humor and connection.
I am all too familiar with shame, powerlessness and not good enoughs.

My Story

Kristina Crooks
Humanistic Ontologist
I walked on fire
I hired a coach
I embraced my spirituality
I built stronger relationships
I became:
Deep Love, Profound Connection and Sacred Divinity
I adore my fiance and our quiet life in upstate NY with our 5 mischievous kitties. I find wisdom in nature (especially trees), love improv, acting, sharp wit, and a heavy dose of humor. I seek out novelty, new ways of being and I am always creating something new. Some of my favorite people are creatives, creators, weirdos, artists, musicians, entrepreneurs and authors; the ones willing to risk being seen.
I'm in a love affair, with myself, my life, my clients, and my passions.
Big Love,